Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Shopping spree in Riga

I spent the last week in Riga, Latvia, and I kind of lost myself in H&M. I bought stuff I've been dreaming about for months and even years. Every thing was so ridiculously cheap. But seeing is believing so here are my favorites outfits. I bought everything in H&M. Enjoy! :)

I've been looking for a hat for over a year now and I finally found one. My head is huge so you can't understand how happy I was to find a hat that actually fit me. I will wear this outfit a lot this summer, it's so simple yet so girly and summery.
Hat: 12,99 euros
Top: 4,99 euros
Skirt: 9,99 euros

This dress is literally the most comfortable dress I've ever put one. When I wear it I feel like I'm naked, in a good way. Another great item for the summer.
Maxi dress: 14,99 euros

I've been looking for the right kimono for a long time now. It looks so good over a plain black dress or with skinny jeans. I'm in love.
Kimono: 14,99 euros
Dress: 9,99 euros

This outfit is probably my favorite. This top can both be fancy and casual. I wore it the last night we spent in Latvia. We went out of town and spent the night outside, eating and watching the sunset, it was the perfect outfit for that occasion.
Top: 9,99 euros
Skirts: top picture 4,99 euros, bottom picture: 9,99 euros
Punk hugs,

Monday, April 14, 2014

Room tour

Last week I left my lovely bedroom for good. My dad was moving in with his girlfriend which meant that I had to say goodbye to my cozy and private bedrooom and move my stuff to a much smaller room at the other end of town. Yay. The last evening I spent there (before I packed all my stuff) I took a few pictures to remember my room. So I thought I'd share it with you!
I hope you'll enjoy this little post and feel inspired in some way. 

I've spent way too much money on candles this year and I light one or two
every night before bed, it's so comforting.

I have a bad habit of buying fashion magazines even though I haven't finished
the one that came the month before. Although, that means I can sit
down anytime and read them and I never run out of stuff to read.

I bought these two from topshop a few weeks ago. I bought the little night
creme first to make sure I wasn't alergic to it or anything. It is so good, everytime
I put it on I feel so fresh in the morning. I recommend it to everyone.
The tinted moisture lotion is just as good.

I wear this necklace almost everyday which is funny because I got it when I
was 6 months old. It's almost a choker now but it reached down to my stomach
when I first got it. Kind of cute to think about it.

Recently I've gotten into drawing a lot more than I've usually been. I've
always enjoyed it but just recently have I actually bought sketching books
and drawing pencils (4 sketch blocks and 10 pencils to be honest....). I'm not
very good but I like spending my time doodling.

My "bedside table". I am usually reading 4-5 books at a time and last week
I was reading The Hobbit, 3 Icelandic short story collections and poems by
Sylvia Plath.

This is my Vinyl collection. My dad gave me a box filled with old and classic
rock when I got my vinyl player so 98% of those albums are over 20 years old.
I think I have about 10 albums that I've bought myself.

That week I had the Footloose soundtrack on repeat. I have no regrets.

I'll miss my old room but I'm trying to stay positive. That's the only way, right?
Punk hugs,

Monday, April 7, 2014

Everyday outfits

I just realized I've had this blog for almost six months and I've never done an outfit post. So today is the day. Mark it down in your notebook; The Punk Fashionista is doing her first outfit post. 
Below are my three most common everyday outfits. The clothes are all pretty basic and easy to find, I picked most of them up whilst thrifting. 

Shirt: Vintage
Skirt: H&M
Lipstick: Bourjois

Shirt: Topshop
Trousers: Vintage

Shirt: Vintage
Jeans: Vintage