Saturday, March 15, 2014

Experimenting with photography

A few months ago my mother bought a Canon EOS camera. We've only had crap cameras so it was fantastic to get a real camera in my hands. I got kind of lost taking pictures of everything, I took a billion pictures of our two dogs, I took pictures of scenery and I took pictures of everything in between that. I did one photoshoot with my little sister where I put makeup on her and made her look all grown up. She loved posing and I loved taking her photo. I'm not going to put those pictures up because she's only eleven and does not want her photo on the internet. I really like taking pictures and I would consider it a new hobby of mine. So you could imagine my surprise and joy when I found out I was going to a photography class! I got it as a birthday present and I'm super excited to go and learn everything about my camera and how to use the light and stuff like that. I wanted to show you guys a few pictures I've taken over the last few months, so please enjoy that! Feel free to leave a comment telling me what you like about the photos or what could go better!
Punk hugs
This is my dog Flóki, he is very photogenic and a total sweetheart, although
he can sometimes be a total pain in the ass... (he barks a lot)

This is my bedroom window,  I really liked how my bunny lamp (yes it's a
lamp!!!!) looked with the snowy yard in the background.

This is the view from my mom's bedroom window. It was taken around
noon so you can see the winter sunlight creeping behind the houses.

This was taken at the same time I took the photo above. The sun that day
was really nice and my mom has these lace curtains that make these
cool shadows when it's sunny outside.

This is a picture of a tombstone in the graveyard my great-grandparents are
buried in. I really liked the candle and the text says : "Blessed be their memory"
which I think is just beautiful.

This is a picture of flowers my grandmother got for her sixtieth birthday.
I took it right after she put them in the vase so they are not settled yet
but still look amazing.

This is a picture from the photoshoot I did with my sister. I told her to wear
a coat we found in my grandparents wardrobe. It's got the biggest shoulder
patches I've ever seen and it was way too big for my sister so it was super funny
to see her wearing it.

This is my lovely German shepherd, Freyja. This is mostly how she spends
her days, lying on the floor half asleep. If she's not doing that she's somewhere
throwing a stick at somebody, begging them to play with her.

I took this pic sort of as a joke because I thought their bums looked so cute on
that rug. It turned out looking really cute and it makes me want to cuddle
both of them. 
These two are the cutest best friends you could ever imagine. They hate
being apart and in the morning they cuddle like a newly married couple. I don't
think I could live without them.

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